Terms & Conditions
This page is provided as a free service by Endzone Sports Charities (ESC). It is open to all collectors, dealers, and/or any other parties with an interest in Broncos' game-used apparel and/or equipment. Announcements posted at this site are provided by the parties identified. ESC makes no warrantee, neither expressed nor implied, as to either the validity of the information provided or the authenticity of item(s) described. Further, ESC assumes no responsibility for transactions between any parties utilizing this page. It is understood that any party requesting placement of announcements at this site, agrees to all terms and conditions as posted. ESC reserves the right to edit announcements and also reserves the right to refuse placement of announcements to this site for any reason.
To submit a request for placement of an announcement at this site, please follow the instructions below....
1) Read the terms and conditions above.
2) Submit the text of your announcement via e-mail to Endzone Sports.
Submission(s) MUST include the following:
a) Category of listing ("FOR SALE/TRADE" or "WANTED")
b) Text of announcement (Not to exceed 50 words).
c) Name of individual (and business, if applicable) placing announcement.
d) E-mail address of individual or business placing announcement (where applicable).
e) Phone number of individual or business placing announcement (if no e-mail address is provided).
f) Submitting a request for posting implies that you have read, understood and agreed to the "Terms & Conditions" as posted at http://endzone.pscoggin.com/market.htm
We will include a photo of your item(s) if desired. Submissions via e-mail should include a graphic file attachment to their e-mail. Images are preferred in .jpg format and should be reduced to a maximum size of approximately 200x250 pixels, not to exceed 200KB. Submissions via snail-mail may include a photo which will be scanned and processed for a fee of $1.00 (SASE must accompany photo if to be returned).
Posted announcements will remain on this page until requested to be removed by the individual placing the announcement.
This site and the Marketplace postings herein are available free of charge, although not free of cost. While under no obligation, a nominal donation to help defray the cost of maintaining this site would be greatly appreciated. To make a donation via electronic funds transfer or credit card via PayPal, click the “Donate” button below.
While not required, we would request that the details of any game-sued jersey transactions resulting from a posting at this site be submitted for inclusion in Endzone's Denver Broncos Game-Used Jersey Price Guide database.
Submissions should include the following information:
Player's Name & Uniform Number
Jersey Color (Home or Road)
Date of Transaction (Date purchased or sold - Month & Year)